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- Messages from ³Vector/Majic 12¹.
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ³Quackbuster/STB¹ : Yo Rasmus! Long time since last time mate. Your
- Eurochart is just great. Keep up the good work.
- ³Estrup/Static Bytes¹ : Yo Christian! Any new versions of Propacker soon?
- I sure hope will release updates of it.
- ³Lasse Moerkhagen¹ : So you're trying to run a BBS with a Supra FAX
- modem. Well I sure hope you will get another modem
- soon, for example and US Robotics DS or HST. They
- don't cost much, when you compare with phonebill
- you will get by using the FAX modem. See ya at
- Gathering 93.
- ³Sauron/Static Bytes¹ : So what have you done with your HST? Didn't you
- win a HST at the Gathering 92? If so then look
- out for the BBS-intro for my board, and call it.
- I guess it will open on the 1.st of January 1993.
- ³Marvel/Static Bytes¹ : Your picture to the graph compo at the Hurrilame
- party was just great. Too bad it didn't win. But
- was it worth delivering it in under a fake name
- to the DNH competition for just 200 pounds? See
- you mate.
- ³Mehran Raja¹ : You are one special dude. I was talking shit and
- all that to you at a BBS, and you STILL wonna
- contact me? I will leave a message for you at a
- BBS in Oslo soon.
- ³Hawkeye/Kefrens¹ : Yo Jacob! No I'm not dead. I have just had a lot
- of school work and the problems with my board
- hasn't been few. I saw that Kefrens has got a BBS
- in Sweden. Didn't you say that Kefrens wouldn't
- accept foreign members? Anyway: Thanx for a great
- week at your place after the Hurrilame party. As I
- told you when we bought that vodka in the store
- nearby you: THAT MUST TASTE LIKE SHIT! And who was
- right about that? Me, of course. Havestuen and
- La Cabana rulez.
- ³S.L.L./Kefrens¹ : Your style of music is just great. I loved the
- tunes you made for Guardian Dragon 1 & 2. Is it
- possible to get them from you?
- ³Toastmaster/Bacteria¹ : Yo Ronnie! Any progress with your Broedboot? It
- was cool to stay at your place the day before
- the Hurrilame party. See you soon.
- ³Sleepwalker/Majic 12¹ : Yo DICKHEAD! Amixpress sucks! Use a Norwegian
- made BBS system instead. (Kidding!)
- ³Dr.Bully/Majic 12¹ : Yo Trond! Any sight of the DANGLEBER MAN lately?
- He He! He must have had an awful childhood. You
- have been very productive lately. Shrinking Dick
- 2, Hawkeye Destructor and Army of haters, all
- very good modules made by you. Amazing! Well I'd
- better start drinking some beers since we're
- going to hit the town tonight. See ya!
- ³Mud/Majic 12¹ : Yo Thomas! Don't mess around with Dr.Bully. Or
- else he will take his gun and shoot you. So that!
- Hmmm!
- ³Nighthawk/Majic 12¹ : Blueboxing rulez? Hmmm. AT&T rulez!!!........
- Make some graphics for my BBS-intro, please!
- ³TFG/Majic 12¹ : Yo Niels. Too bad with that t-shirt. You have
- Nighthawk in Denmark and I bet he could have
- drawn something nice for the t-shirts. Don't you
- think so? Anyway, as you probably already have
- seen, I have fixed my own t-shirt.
- ³Cindy/Majic 12¹ : Hey sugarlump! I bet Eracore, Burton and the
- other guys are treating you bad. Shoot 'em!
- ³Eracore/Majic 12¹ : Tjenare Erland! Hur e leget? A bit weird to try
- typing Swedish on a USA keyboard. Thanx for the
- cool game you sent me.
- ³Arrakis/Brainwave¹ : Yo Philippe! Have you died? If not, contact me,
- please, and include an BAGUETTE! With garlic.
- ³Jackmix/Cryptoburners¹ : Any problems with bowlingballs? If not try a
- melon coz they're softer. He He.
- ³Amiga Forum¹ : Thanx for beeing the best Amiga magazine on paper
- in Norway. Nice edits and articles. Keep it up.
- ³Alien/Digivision¹ : So you're out partying with my cousin. How
- about that! Well I got a bit distracted when I
- saw that you lived on Ammerud. Anyway if you
- wonna call me, ask Steinar for the number.
- ³Scenetex/Avalon¹ : Im terribly sorry that I haven't written back to
- you, but the reason is simple: I have lost your
- address. Recontact me.
- ³Laxity & Vention/Kefrens¹: Try to make your demos work on the OS 2.X and
- 3.X systems. It's a pitty that your demos don't
- work on my Amiga 3000 coz they're very good.
- ³Tactel/Majic 12¹ : Yo Torgny! Stop making those bizarre stories of
- yours. He He. I saw some of them on IT's board.
- Contact me coz I have lost your address.
- ³Datormagazin¹ : Where the heck is the Demo-world section? Keep on
- making it. It was the best part of the magazine.
- ³Diver/Majic 12¹ :The majority in Majic 12 has spoken and there's
- nothing you can do about it. Sorry!
- ³Fisart¹ : Yo Erik! You sure won't get access on my board.
- You are to lame for that. And you only got a 2400
- baud modem. Poor little you. The price of an HST
- is not far away, but money doesen't seem to
- bother you, coz you what you point at. He He.
- ³IT/Cryptoburners¹ : Yo Sindre! I heard that you're planing a BBS both
- on the Amiga and the PC. Please confirm this.
- ³Snap/Epidemic¹ : Yo weirdo. Long time since we talked with each
- other. Last time was at the Gathering 92 and the
- first time was the Contex/Cryptoburners/BOA Party
- in Bergen 1990. Remember?
- ³Micro-Pal/Alcatraz¹ : Tough luck with your board. Hope you will be able
- to reopen it sometime.
- ³Lazerbrain/Crusaders¹ : Tough luck with your board too. I heard that you
- had installed a 1 Gb harddrive just before the
- bust. Is that true?
- ³BLP/Crusaders¹ : Yo Jarle! I'm looking forward to see the your
- first production for Crusaders. How about making
- a BBS-intro for me?
- ³Cedric¹ : Yo Oyvind!?! I must admit that you have a very,
- very special sence of humour. The kind that is so
- low that you have to dig for it.
- ³Kent Bakke¹ : Where the fuck is my disks? He He. I would very
- much like to play the game too. (2 disks!)
- ³Diddle/Sanity¹ : Yo Marc! How about sending my disk back? Have you
- stopped swapping or are you just one of those
- diskstealers?
- ³Tal/Majic 12¹ : It has been a long time since I last heard
- anything from you guys down there. Call me
- sometime. It was utterly great when you guys
- called. What was the guy called again? Ahh, Wally
- Surich. Is he still active? If so then ask him to
- call me someday. It would have been great to
- receive a letter from you guys. My address can be
- found in the Advert-section of this magazine.
- See ya.
- ³Heavy Mental/Amega Ind.¹ : Yo Hallvard! Long time no seen mate. He He. God
- your behaviour on the trip to Oslo was disguisting.
- See you at school, as always.
- ³Venger/Amega Industries¹ : Yo Haavard! Well, I heard from Hallvard that you
- had made a Textfile -> Executeable program. Well
- give it to me fast. I need it for my BBS. See you
- soon mate.
- ³Fulcrum/Scoopex¹ : Yo Magnar! Are you sure you joined the right
- group? I sure hope so, and if not, then contact
- me coz we need a coder in Majic 12.
- ³Dr.Doom/Amega Industries¹: Yo Amund! So your brother has joined Scoopex.
- Too bad. It has been a long time since I last
- heard from you. You only live 15 minutes with bus
- away from me. Come and visit me sometime. I bet
- you have gotten some new utilities that I haven't
- got yet. Call me!
- ³Trix/Anarchy¹ : Yo Flemming! Nice meeting you again at the
- Hurrilame party. Try to look a bit more
- inteligent next time I met you. Cheers mate.
- ³Slammer/Anarchy¹ : "In the kitchen" was just great. I loved the
- vector-cube spinning around and the portrait of
- Quackbuster/STB - the dancing man.
- ³Lord Helmet/PMC¹ : Yo Borge! Are you angry on me for replying on
- your letter? He He. I hope you will send me some
- stuff back some day.
- ³Anders/Pure Metal Coders¹: Yo Anders! Sorry no cards nowadays. Maybe over
- x-mas. See you or chat with you on the phone.
- ³Sy-clone/Majic 12¹ : How about changing the name of your board to
- "Soptippen"? Stay cool mate.
- ³Easley/Parasite¹ : Are you using drugs? You look like you are. No
- hard feelings I hope?
- ³Skywolf/Bastards¹ : Yo Allan! You must be the lazyest swapper in
- Denmark, and you have to get other persons to
- write your letters. I will not mention any names
- Allan! (or should I Hawkeye?)
- ³Sputnik/Defiance¹ : How about recontacting me? It was so nice swapping
- with you, even that I was very slow with my
- sendings. I just love the clip-art you made for
- the last Eurochart. Number 17.
- ³Milkman/Exotic Men??¹ : Exotic Men has never become THE group.
- ³R.T Engineering¹ : Thanx for giving me such a nice deal on my 486.
- ³Joshua 7/Amega Ind.¹ : Yo Geir! So you have gone completely to the PC.
- Well I must admit that the PC is no.1 computer
- when it comes to wordprocessing and such things.
- (But nothing more that that.)
- ³Artificer/Amega Ind.¹ : Yo Kjell! Well what's happening? Are you going to
- buy the Amiga 3000 or what?
- ³Jens P. Lieblein¹ : Thanx for beeing the most reliable disk supplier
- I have. Thanx mate.
- ³The Brick¹ : Yo Gjermund! Long time since last time we met.
- Well you'd better shape up and fix your damn
- Amiga 3000. It's not use having it, dusting down
- in a corner.
- ³Dr.Randy/Aragon???¹ : Yo PEF! Well where are my disks. 12 of them to be
- exact. You have lended for some time now, so I
- want them back or.......
- ³Per Morten Storhaug¹ : Don't sell your Amiga Per. You don't need a car.
- ³Geir Loeken¹ : How about buying my Amiga 500+? Think about it.
- ³Petter Bergman¹ : You stinking bastard. All you think of is the
- lame Turbo C and Paradox 4.0. (PC software!)
- ³Michael ???????¹ : Yo freshman. Hah, a first year student. Well I
- guess you are a human too. He He.
- ³Fleshbrain/Crusaders¹ : Yo Seppo! Your contribution to "Hobbits &
- Spaceships" was superb. I just love the songs.
- Especially the song called "Space Train".
- ³Bjoern A. Lynne¹ : Your songs to the "Hobbits & Spaceships" was good
- to, but the undoubtly worst song you have ever
- made was "Tinuvievel". Except for that, all songs
- was superb.
- ³Vegard Skjefstad¹ : Very good statement you gave in Computer World.
- Excellent. Was it a picture of your room on the
- front page? He He.
- ³Falch/Triumph¹ : Yo Oyvind! How about sending me the program which
- enable you to have pictures in the background of
- your workbench. My Address is in the Adver-section.
- ³Opus/ex Silents¹ : I thought you were dead or something, but you had
- only changed handle and group. Only? Well since
- you know have left the scene there is nothing
- more to talk about or is there?
- ³Dag A. Larsen¹ : Yo! (My computer teacher!) Stay cool mate.
- ³Sandefjord Data¹ : Yo Flemming! Your a very big asshole. Your firm
- is so lame, that people has to pay in advance on
- something they buy in your store. Take for
- example a HST modem, which you don't hold in stock.
- Before you can order it, you need the money for it.
- Argh! May your firm be bankrupt before christmas.
- (Please call the GAY line for further help!)
- ³Spaceworld¹ : Thanx to you, for beeing the worst Amiga store in
- the whole of Norway. Lousy service and no REAL
- computers. (Amiga 2000, 3000 & 4000 rulez!)
- ³Ramirez/Majic 12¹ : Yo mate! Cool chatting with you on da phone. Hope
- to meet you at The Party 92. As I said about the
- cards: No payment BUT uploads. I will call your
- BBS as soon as I get my modem back.
- ³Zinko/Majic 12¹ : Yo Jack! How about making a Ansi-logo for me? I
- need it for my board. Always nice to chat with
- you on da phone. I bet you liked my
- answermachine, didn't you?
- ³Thunderbyte/Majic 12¹ : Yo unknown! How about start coding a BBS-intro
- for my board? Put some vectors in it and MAKE a
- text-typer + a scroller for greets. That's all!
- ³Ketil Aukrust¹ : Yo Ketil! How is life in Koljebotn? Bad, I hope.
- Anyway you're still a Amiga user and that's good.
- ³Eivind Alme¹ : It's not strange that Norway haven't become a
- member of the EC yet, when you look at the awful
- work you are doing for the EC. Argh! And do
- something with that breath of yours. It smells
- all over school.
- ³The Cafe Hansen crew¹ : Thanx for beeing such a nice staff. Always a
- pleasure coming to the bar and have a few? beers.
- ³Diskoteket¹ : How about a wet t-shirt competition?
- ³Steinar Solberg¹ : Yo cousin! Thanx for printing out the logos and
- the other things on your colour postscript.
- ³To the rest¹ : Life sucks! And if you think you're forgotten
- then remind me, coz I forget so easily.
- Cheers from ³Vector/Majic 12!¹